“You Know Nothing, Jon Snow – Not Even How To Stay Alive!”
Those bastards finally killed Jonny the Boy Scout… But have they? Sure, in the real world being stabbed so many times would almost always be the end of you, but reality doesn’t have zombies, dragons, or, above all, Red Priestesses. Since we don’t know what the hell is going to be in the novels and […]

Oh, my god! They killed Tyreese!
Those bastards… Yes, it’s all getting very repetitive and tiresome in the land of The Walking Dead. Funnily enough, I joked somewhere that an obvious spoiler to the second half of this season would be some major character getting killed by the end of said season, but the joke turned out to be on me […]

Battlestar “What The Frack Happened?”
(Spoilers ahead, lots of them.) On March 20, 2009, hordes of Battlestar Galactica fans gathered around their TVs for the final episode of the show and uttered a collective “What the fuck?” that was heard not only around the world but probably in several neighboring galaxies as well. Not having gotten round to watching the […]