
A musical breakthrough…

God knows i needed it! It looks as if the answer to the problem of the vocals clashing with the accompaniments is to simply put a syllable — preferably the vowel — on top of every beat. I’ve been trying it on The Entropy Express and it seems to be working. Not the tight bouncy […]

Poo Bag of Love by Velvet Lizard

Another song from Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered, the album i put out last year.

AC/DC has a new album coming out

On November 13, which is also Black Friday of course. According to Angus they have a shitload of material from the days before Malcolm became ill, stuff that simply didn’t fit on any of the albums from the 90s but which was still up to standard. Sounds about right, if the new single is anything […]

Rabid Bunnies of Discontent

This is one of the songs i put out as Velvet Lizard. It’s been years so i don’t really recall how i came up with this one. I probably just wanted something absurdist and soothing. Actually, no. I vaguely recall that this was supposed to be a bright happy song, but the melody and the […]

The Happy Clown Song

A song about a lunatic clown who wants to kill everyone in a certain city, partly to cheese off a certain weirdo in a bat costume and partly because he thinks it would be a really hilarious thing to do! Yes, it’s the Joker and he’s going on about Batman and Gotham. That’s comic book […]

Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered

Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered

    This is an album of funny pop songs that i put together over a period of several years and finally released in December of 2019 under the name Velvet Lizard. As i expected, the album went nowhere – virtually NO album sells unless it’s heavily promoted and i couldn’t be bothered to do […]

Naked Demon Woman on the Loose !

Naked Demon Woman on the Loose !

For the last few months I have been caught up in a bizarre and ongoing attempt to write an album of unpleasantly snarky political songs. Originally the album was going to be symphonic metal (specifically Within Temptation) crossed with early Danzig, but I don’t have the big, butch voice required for that kind of thing […]