Creative Diary

A musical breakthrough…

God knows i needed it! It looks as if the answer to the problem of the vocals clashing with the accompaniments is to simply put a syllable — preferably the vowel — on top of every beat. I’ve been trying it on The Entropy Express and it seems to be working. Not the tight bouncy […]

Holy Crap, Two Years Since The Last Post…

I have decided that from now on this is going to be my official website. Instead of spoiler-filled reviews of other people’s works i will instead be making notes on my own work. Starting today…

Poo Bag of Love by Velvet Lizard

Another song from Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered, the album i put out last year.

Encounter With A Small Spiky Creature

I originally posted this at Random Goofiness, but i don’t think it really fits. What humor there is is very subtle and brief so UnOb is a better choice. This is about a real incident in which i was lucky enough to see an echidna in the wild, in a national park, as opposed to […]

Weasel Out Of Hades by Velvet Lizard

A sad tale of a boy, a girl, some really bad breakfasts, and a garbage truck… Another song from Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered. A sendup of Bat Out Of Hell, of course. Quite pleased with how it turned out, though my voice is just not capable of the power i wanted in the vocals. […]

Rabid Bunnies of Discontent

This is one of the songs i put out as Velvet Lizard. It’s been years so i don’t really recall how i came up with this one. I probably just wanted something absurdist and soothing. Actually, no. I vaguely recall that this was supposed to be a bright happy song, but the melody and the […]

The Happy Clown Song

A song about a lunatic clown who wants to kill everyone in a certain city, partly to cheese off a certain weirdo in a bat costume and partly because he thinks it would be a really hilarious thing to do! Yes, it’s the Joker and he’s going on about Batman and Gotham. That’s comic book […]

Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered

Songs For The Emotionally Bewildered

    This is an album of funny pop songs that i put together over a period of several years and finally released in December of 2019 under the name Velvet Lizard. As i expected, the album went nowhere – virtually NO album sells unless it’s heavily promoted and i couldn’t be bothered to do […]

The Unlikely Revenge of Little Miss Muffet

The Unlikely Revenge of Little Miss Muffet

Yet another of those projects that took me years to finish. I first did a very quick sketch of the basic idea back in 2009! Then i only got around to doing the actual drawing in July 2018, and then it took me another two years to finish the thing! Bloody hell. This one comes […]

The Horn

The Horn

  Another one of those paintings that took me a decade to get ‘round to finishing. Earliest file i have of this is from March of 2010 and it’s 90% finished so it was obviously started at least a few weeks earlier.   This is based on a short horror story called…er…”The Horn,” which i […]