“Holly shit! Dad has rabies!”

“Holly shit! Dad has rabies!”

This, i feel, would have been a far better title for The Barrens than…er…The Barrens. Set in New Jersey’s Pine Barrens but shot in Canada somewhere, this movie deals, in part anyway, with our old friend the Jersey Devil. Richard, a dude portrayed by Stephen Moyer, an English actor best-known for playing the world’s fastest-aging […]



It’s been a crap few weeks, so in order to cheer myself up i did what any sensible person would do — i drew a picture of a moose…  

Arnie Gets The Zombie Girl Blues

Arnie Gets The Zombie Girl Blues

Since my local DVD shop went out of business I haven’t bothered much with new movies, but the other day I was walking along when I saw, peeking at me from the front of one of those DVD rental ATM thingies that cause your local DVD shop to go out of business, this thing… Given […]

In Praise of Stepin Fetchit

In Praise of Stepin Fetchit

No, of course not. What am I, an idiot? We have all seen snippets of the Great Black Idiot being a dumbass, and as a result I suspect that most people think that was all he boiled down to – a dumbass n***er held up as an example of his race’s supposed inferiority. As offensive […]

"You Know Nothing, Jon Snow – Not Even How To Stay Alive!”

“You Know Nothing, Jon Snow – Not Even How To Stay Alive!”

Those bastards finally killed Jonny the Boy Scout… But have they? Sure, in the real world being stabbed so many times would almost always be the end of you, but reality doesn’t have zombies, dragons, or, above all, Red Priestesses. Since we don’t know what the hell is going to be in the novels and […]

Oh, my god! They killed Tyreese!

Oh, my god! They killed Tyreese!

Those bastards… Yes, it’s all getting very repetitive and tiresome in the land of The Walking Dead. Funnily enough, I joked somewhere that an obvious spoiler to the second half of this season would be some major character getting killed by the end of said season, but the joke turned out to be on me […]

Matango – Demon Fungus From Hell!

Matango – Demon Fungus From Hell!

SPOILERS AHEAD In this slab of 1960s weirdness, a bunch of badly dubbed Japanese tourists find themselves in some seriously psychedelic trouble after a storm damages their yacht and the current pulls it towards a mysterious island, an island that hides a dreadful, dreadful secret… Since there’s no point to staying on a yacht that’s […]

Oh, my god! They killed Beth!

Oh, my god! They killed Beth!

Those bastards… So, the people in charge of The Walking Dead have decided to kill off Darryl’s little friend. This does not please me in the least. While Beth wasn’t exactly one of my faves, she was a likable kid so I am not at all happy to see her get her head blown off. […]

Harley Quinn Annual – Good, But Not As Smelly As Expected

Harley Quinn Annual – Good, But Not As Smelly As Expected

Lots Of Spoilers Ahead, Not To Mention Mindless Rambling This thing’s been out for weeks now, but only a couple of days ago did I get my copy. The comic shop I usually go to had only the Bombshells variant cover and no way was I forking over nine buckaroos for something with such a […]

Messiah of Evil

Messiah of Evil

“Messiah Of Evil” is one of those unique and marvelous pieces of 70s obscura that few have even heard of, much less seen. Kinda like the word “obscura,” strangely enough. Messiah is also a surprisingly neglected film, given that its creators went on to all sorts of big stuff including American Graffiti, an Indiana Jones […]